Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Is In The Air

This is always a busy time of year not only due to the holidays (Thanksgiving followed by Christmas only a few weeks later) but for work also. To the few loyal readers of my blog, when you notice a lack of posting or visiting to your blogs for a few days, it is due to some hellish days at work and certainly not from lack of interest. The past two days have been ass kickers leaving little time for nothing else. But I survived and have a few days off and should use them wisely to get some Christmas shopping done but will I? Probably not! Why I do this to myself I'll never know but I always seem to put it off until the last minute and then I'm running around like the Mad Hatter from "Alice in Wonderland." Somehow it all works out and from the number of other men out in full force on Christmas Eve, it looks like I'm not the only one to do this. Christmas Eve shopping is great for guy watching, in case you didn't know it.


Spider said...

Was beginning to worry - glad things are OK - sorry work has been kicking your ass... maybe you need a vacation to Orlando... ~eg~

Stephen said...

Spider, it is nice to know someone was worrying about me, a vacation to Orlando sure sounds tempting...

Anthony said...

lol. I have never realised the possibilities for guy watching on christmas eve. thanks for the tip. Enjoy your break Stephen. You deserve it. I sure hope work settles down

Stephen said...

Woe, trust me, if your out shopping on Christmas Eve the ratio of shoppers will be 5 men to every 1 woman. Must admit when it comes to things like shopping and organization the women have us beat.

Hypoxic, sounds like you had a hellish week also, didn't have to meet with the VIP's thanks God, mine was just busy... I remember days like yours and I think they were worst...

Donnie, you too? Thank god I'm not alone. Thanks for the Christmas shout...