"But I'm dying, can't you see, can't you feel it, without me there is only existence, there is no life! If I die, you die." Please, I want to live....................
Words from an earlier post that keep ringing like an incessant ringing phone. Over and over I hear them, words burnt into the retina, I see them. Their flame is as cold as the Olympic Torch, a rusty knob denies the life sustaining gas needed for them to live, but somehow buried under all the ash the embers are still warm, they fight for life, they refuse to go out. I ask myself, who am I to deny them their chance at life, I am not God. Nothing but a man, with desires denied, I am. A conflicted man looking for balance.............
"A conflicted man looking for balance..." You're starting to sound like a Libra. The "embers" just need a little more oxygen and they'll be ablaze again. Hang in there! (((((Stephen)))))
You are who you are, and you have those desires for a reason. A purpose. It is a desire to live, to live honestly as the man you are meant to be. There is nothing wrong with being true to yourself.
In a turn of the meaning of your term "balance", perhaps we all find our balance in reaching out and holding on to one another.
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