Saturday, March 21, 2009

Screams And Static


I'm still here . . . still trapped on the other side . . . my screams slowly fading into static . . . .


Lemuel said...

I can only think of the end to the novel "The First Men on the Moon".

Peter said...

Better turn the knobs for a better view outwards.

Java said...

Why is that graphic so mesmerizing? I can't tear my eyes away from it.

I haven't seen evidence of you in a while. I see your last post was on 2/24, but somehow I missed that one, too. I hope you're surviving. From the sound of it, you don't sound as though you are thriving, particularly.

My point is that it's good to hear from you, even if it is through the static. I do hope you find your way out.

Ur-spo said...

what is there to scream about?