Friday, September 07, 2012


What gives? For the past several days late in the afternoon it starts. When the day is winding down I can feel it starting, slowly creeping its way into the muscles of my neck. Tighter and tighter, working its way from the right shoulder to the base of the skull making it impossible to move my head without excruciating pain. Pain relievers taken before its encroaching arrival, pain relievers taken when it attacks and nothing is touching the pain. Standing in the shower under the hottest of water seems to be the only solution so far....


Ur-spo said...

sounds like a combination of electroylte imbalance and stress.
Start some stretches and get some back/neck rubs. Drink Gatorade a bit.

John said...

You know I would be more than happy to come over and give you the must needed neck massage.

Stephen said...

Ur-spo, thanks I think it has a lot to do with stress during the day and took your advise and check my lytes which showed the K low. More bananas to the diet...

Stephen said...

John, now you know it wouldn't just be a neck massage if you came over....