Does anyone love the grunts and groans of the boys as they slug their balls back and forth as much as I do? The US Open starts today! Want to come over and watch?
I've turned over every rock and boulder searching for it, but for the life of me can't remember where I put it. I usually don't misplace things, everything has a place and everything is in its place, but not this time. I've looked high and low, but still no luck in finding it. I haven't used it in a long time. Heck, I haven't had the time to even look at it, but I thought it would always be there patiently waiting. After looking and searching I'm afraid I may have took it for granted one time too many. Is it too late? Please God, it can't be too late, I can't stay stuck in this rut for much longer. I've got to find the "BAD BOY" side of Stephen soon......
It has been quiet as a graveyard around here for way too long and I know I've been forgotten and buried by many readers and that is understandable, but I am alive. Forgive me for not updating but I allowed myself to fall victim, void of caring, void of feeling and when that happens there is nothing worth sharing. Somehow my life took a unexpected detour and I got lost. I've thought about you often and hope to catch up with you all again very soon.