Wednesday, February 21, 2007

In The Shadows

I am being followed! Someone is there, I know it, I can feel his presence, I can sense it. Following, lurking in the darkness, hidden behind shadows, watching my every move, a spy, a secret agent, a man, his face I can not make out. Walking when I walk, his steps mirror my steps, their sound echoing in my ears, he is there, behind me, following me.


I freeze in mid-step, trying to catch a more audible sound, but he stops as instantly as I. I stand there, I listen, I hear nothing, there is only silence, a deafening quiet. I know he is there, even though his footsteps no longer haunt my ears, I can still feel his presence. I know it is not possible, it must be my imagination, my mind playing a trick on me, his silenced footsteps have been replaced with the sound of his heartbeat. I can hear his heartbeat, I can feel his heartbeat, it beats in tune with mine. Thump . . . thump . . . thump. . .

There are no bed covers to pull over my head as I did as a child, scared of the night, even more afraid from having watched a scary movie, movies of monsters and creatures of the night. I am not afforded bed covers of warmth and safety, I will not find any here. It is time, to face the man.


Anonymous said...

Mine I refer to as my shaman. I was scared of him at first, but he became a friend once I decided I wanted to actually hear what he wanted. He is me and I am he and now he is my guide.

Stephen said...

albert, I can only wish he is someone like your shaman. I so, need someone to watch my back for me.

Mikey said...

Trust in him and yourself, if he is "your Shaman" once you start to listen, he will give peace. Don't forget to breathe and relax

Lyngwood said...

Let this spy, this secret agent, this shadow, be your best friend and guide. Let him show you how to love who you are.

Anthony said...

Gripping words from an awesome man that is Stephen. Facing and befriending that man that is you seems to be the way to go :-).

Stephen said...

mikey, lyngwood, woe, I so much need him to be a friend, a guide, my Shaman. As of late, it seems I've lost my way. When I log on and see comments left by friends, a light shines in the darkness that surrounds me. Heartfelt thanks for giving me some sunshine. ((((hugs))))