Monday, March 24, 2008

A Voice Whispers

There it is again. Can you hear it? Listen! Surely you must, please tell me I'm not going mad?

Silence ..................

There is no need for words, I do not have to hear you speak them, your eyes, they betray you, I have my answer.

The voice, the whisper is coming from within . . . a voice, a whisper telling "me" it is OK.

My child, your journey has been long and hard, you have faced many trials, many tribulations, many storms have you weathered, but it is OK. "Step into the light," the voice whispers, "it will be OK."

Do I dare listen?


Have enough faith?

Have enough strength?

Do I dare .................step into the light ........................


Ur-spo said...

most people have a fine intuition (or angel?) that whispers truth if you would pause and really listen for it. And then pay attention to it
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You've listened, you've faith and you dare... step into the light!

It's just a few steps but a whole different world.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely turn of words; daring to live and listen.

daveincleveland said...

step dear friend step, the warmth of the light is awesome...leave behind the darkness and step out friend..we are here with you
hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

Take the dare and step into the light because THEN you will see where you are going, believe in what you are doing, and have strength in yourself. :-)

Cimaruga said...

ciao molto carino il tuo blog
guarda il mio